API Reference Guide ******************* Coffea: a column object framework for effective analysis. When executing >>> import coffea a subset of the full coffea package is imported into the python environment. Some packages must be imported explicitly, so as to avoid importing unnecessary and/or heavy dependencies. Below lists the packages available in the ``coffea`` namespace. .. autosummary:: :toctree: modules :template: automodapi_templ.rst coffea.analysis_tools coffea.btag_tools coffea.dataset_tools coffea.jetmet_tools coffea.lookup_tools coffea.lumi_tools coffea.ml_tools coffea.nanoevents coffea.nanoevents.methods.base coffea.nanoevents.methods.candidate coffea.nanoevents.methods.nanoaod coffea.nanoevents.methods.vector coffea.processor coffea.util