
class coffea.jetmet_tools.JetResolution(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

This class is a columnar implementation of the JetResolution tool in CMSSW and FWLite. It calculates the jet energy resolution for a corrected jet in a given binning.

It implements the jet energy correction definition specified in the JER TWiki.

You can use this class as follows:

jr = JetResolution(name1=corrL1,...)
jetRes = jr(JetParameter1=jet.parameter1,...)

Attributes Summary


list the necessary jet properties that must be input to this function

Methods Summary


Returns the set of resolutions for all input jets at the highest available level

Attributes Documentation


list the necessary jet properties that must be input to this function

Methods Documentation


Returns the set of resolutions for all input jets at the highest available level

Use it like:

jrs = reso.getResolution(JetProperty1=jet.property1,...)