
class coffea.nanoevents.DelphesSchema(base_form, version='latest', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseSchema

Delphes schema builder

The Delphes schema is built from all branches found in the supplied file, based on the naming pattern of the branches. The following additional arrays are constructed:

  • Any branches named {name}_size are assumed to be counts branches and converted to offsets o{name}

Attributes Summary





Methods Summary


Behaviors necessary to implement this schema


Build the DelphesEvents

Attributes Documentation

docstrings = {'AlphaQCD': 'value of the QCD coupling used in the event, see hep-ph/0109068', 'AlphaQED': 'value of the QED coupling used in the event, see hep-ph/0109068', 'Area': 'area', 'BTVSumPT2': 'sum pt^2 of tracks attached to the secondary vertex', 'BTag': '0 or 1 for a jet that has been tagged as containing a heavy quark', 'BTagAlgo': '0 or 1 for a jet that has been tagged as containing a heavy quark', 'BTagPhys': '0 or 1 for a jet that has been tagged as containing a heavy quark', 'Beta': '(sum pt of charged pile-up constituents)/(sum pt of charged constituents)', 'BetaStar': '(sum pt of charged constituents coming from hard interaction)/(sum pt of charged constituents)', 'Charge': 'charge', 'Constituents': 'references to constituents', 'CrossSection': 'cross-section in [pb]', 'CrossSectionError': 'cross-section error [pb]', 'CtgTheta': 'cotangent of theta', 'D0': 'transverse impact parameter', 'D1': 'particle first child', 'D2': 'particle last child', 'DZ': 'longitudinal impact parameter', 'E': 'energy [GeV]', 'ET': 'transverse energy [GeV]', 'Edges[2]': 'pseudorapidity range edges', 'Edges[4]': 'calorimeter tower edges', 'Eem': 'calorimeter tower electromagnetic energy', 'Ehad': 'calorimeter tower hadronic energy', 'EhadOverEem': 'ratio of the hadronic versus electromagnetic energy deposited in the calorimeter', 'ErrorCtgTheta': 'cotangent of theta error', 'ErrorD0': 'transverse impact parameter error', 'ErrorDZ': 'longitudinal impact parameter error', 'ErrorP': 'momentum error [GeV]', 'ErrorPT': 'transverse momentum error [GeV]', 'ErrorPhi': 'azimuthal angle error', 'ErrorT': 'vertex position error (t component)', 'ErrorX': 'vertex position error (x component)', 'ErrorY': 'vertex position error (y component)', 'ErrorZ': 'vertex position error (z component)', 'Eta': 'pseudorapidity', 'EtaOuter': 'pseudorapidity at the edge', 'Flavor': 'jet flavor', 'FlavorAlgo': 'jet flavor', 'FlavorPhys': 'jet flavor', 'FracPt[5]': '(sum pt of constituents within a ring 0.1*i < DeltaR < 0.1*(i+1))/(sum pt of constituents)', 'GenDeltaZ': 'distance in z to closest generated vertex', 'GenSumPT2': 'sum pt^2 of gen tracks attached to the vertex', 'HT': 'scalar sum of transverse momenta [GeV]', 'ID': 'ID', 'ID1': 'flavour code of first parton', 'ID2': 'flavour code of second parton', 'Index': 'index', 'IsPU': '0 or 1 for particles from pile-up interactions', 'IsolationVar': 'isolation variable', 'IsolationVarRhoCorr': 'isolation variable', 'L': 'path length', 'M1': 'particle first parent', 'M2': 'particle second parent', 'MET': 'missing transverse energy', 'MPI': 'number of multi parton interactions', 'Mass': 'invariant mass [GeV]', 'MeanSqDeltaR': 'average distance (squared) between constituent and particle weighted by pt (squared) of constituent', 'NCharged': 'number of charged constituents', 'NDF': 'number of degrees of freedom', 'NNeutrals': 'number of neutral constituents', 'NSubJetsPruned': 'number of subjets pruned', 'NSubJetsSoftDropped': 'number of subjets soft-dropped', 'NSubJetsTrimmed': 'number of subjets trimmed', 'NTimeHits': 'number of hits contributing to time measurement', 'Number': 'event number', 'P': 'momentum [GeV]', 'PDF1': 'PDF (id1, x1, Q)', 'PDF2': 'PDF (id2, x2, Q)', 'PID': 'HEP ID number', 'PT': 'transverse momentum [GeV]', 'PTD': 'average pt between constituent and jet weighted by pt of constituent', 'Particle': 'reference to generated particle', 'Particles': 'references to generated particles', 'Phi': 'azimuthal angle', 'PhiOuter': 'azimuthal angle at the edge', 'ProcTime': 'processing time', 'ProcessID': 'subprocess code for the event or signal process id', 'PrunedP4[5]': 'first entry (i = 0) is the total Pruned Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the pruned subjets 4-momenta', 'Px': 'particle momentum vector (x component)', 'Py': 'particle momentum vector (y component)', 'Pz': 'particle momentum vector (z component)', 'Rapidity': 'particle rapidity', 'ReadTime': 'read time', 'Rho': 'rho energy density', 'S': 'distance to the interaction point [m]', 'Scale': 'energy scale, see hep-ph/0109068', 'ScalePDF': "Q-scale used in evaluation of PDF's [GeV]", 'Sigma': 'vertex position (z component) error', 'SoftDroppedP4[5]': 'first entry (i = 0) is the total SoftDropped Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the pruned subjets 4-momenta', 'SoftDroppedSubJet1': 'leading soft-dropped subjet', 'SoftDroppedSubJet2': 'subleading soft-dropped subjet', 'Status': 'particle status', 'SumPT2': 'sum pt^2 of tracks attached to the vertex', 'SumPt': 'isolation variable', 'SumPtCharged': 'isolation variable', 'SumPtChargedPU': 'isolation variable', 'SumPtNeutral': 'isolation variable', 'TOuter': 'time position (t component) at the edge', 'TauTag': '0 or 1 for a particle that has been tagged as a tau', 'Tau[5]': 'N-subjettiness', 'Trigger': 'trigger word', 'TrimmedP4[5]': 'first entry (i = 0) is the total Trimmed Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the trimmed subjets 4-momenta', 'Tx': 'angle of the momentum in the horizontal (x,z) plane [urad]', 'Ty': 'angle of the momentum in the vertical (y,z) plane [urad]', 'VertexIndex': 'reference to vertex', 'Weight': 'weight for the event', 'X1': 'fraction of beam momentum carried by first parton ("beam side")', 'X2': 'fraction of beam momentum carried by second parton ("target side")', 'XOuter': 'position (x component) at the edge', 'Xd': 'X coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex', 'YOuter': 'position (y component) at the edge', 'Yd': 'Y coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex', 'ZOuter': 'position (z component) at the edge', 'Zd': 'Z coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex'}
mixins = {'CaloJet02': 'Jet', 'CaloJet04': 'Jet', 'CaloJet08': 'Jet', 'CaloJet15': 'Jet', 'EFlowNeutralHadron': 'Tower', 'EFlowPhoton': 'Photon', 'EFlowTrack': 'Track', 'Electron': 'Electron', 'ElectronCHS': 'Electron', 'Event': 'Event', 'EventLHEF': 'EventLHEF', 'FatJet': 'Jet', 'GenJet': 'Jet', 'GenJet02': 'Jet', 'GenJet04': 'Jet', 'GenJet08': 'Jet', 'GenJet15': 'Jet', 'GenJetAK8': 'Jet', 'GenMissingET': 'MissingET', 'GenPileUpMissingET': 'MissingET', 'HepMCEvent': 'HepMCEvent', 'Jet': 'Jet', 'JetAK8': 'Jet', 'JetPUPPI': 'Jet', 'JetPUPPIAK8': 'Jet', 'LHCOEvent': 'LHCOEvent', 'MissingET': 'MissingET', 'Muon': 'Muon', 'MuonLoose': 'Muon', 'MuonLooseCHS': 'Muon', 'MuonTight': 'Muon', 'MuonTightCHS': 'Muon', 'Particle': 'Particle', 'ParticleFlowJet02': 'Jet', 'ParticleFlowJet04': 'Jet', 'ParticleFlowJet08': 'Jet', 'ParticleFlowJet15': 'Jet', 'Photon': 'Photon', 'PhotonCHS': 'Photon', 'PuppiMissingET': 'MissingET', 'Rho': 'Rho', 'ScalarHT': 'ScalarHT', 'Tower': 'Tower', 'Track': 'Track', 'TrackJet02': 'Jet', 'TrackJet04': 'Jet', 'TrackJet08': 'Jet', 'TrackJet15': 'Jet', 'Weight': 'Weight', 'WeightLHEF': 'WeightLHEF'}
singletons = ['Event', 'EventLHEF', 'HepMCEvent', 'LHCOEvent', 'Rho', 'ScalarHT', 'MissingET']
warn_missing_crossrefs = True

Methods Documentation

classmethod behavior()[source]

Behaviors necessary to implement this schema

classmethod v1(base_form)[source]

Build the DelphesEvents

For example, one can use NanoEventsFactory.from_root("file.root", schemaclass=DelphesSchema.v1) to ensure NanoAODv7 compatibility.