- class coffea.nanoevents.DelphesSchema(base_form, version='latest')[source]
Delphes schema builder
The Delphes schema is built from all branches found in the supplied file, based on the naming pattern of the branches. The following additional arrays are constructed:
Any branches named
are assumed to be counts branches and converted to offsetso{name}
Attributes Summary
Behaviors necessary to implement this schema
Methods Summary
(base_form)Build the DelphesEvents
Attributes Documentation
- behavior
Behaviors necessary to implement this schema
- docstrings = {'AlphaQCD': 'value of the QCD coupling used in the event, see hep-ph/0109068', 'AlphaQED': 'value of the QED coupling used in the event, see hep-ph/0109068', 'Area': 'area', 'BTVSumPT2': 'sum pt^2 of tracks attached to the secondary vertex', 'BTag': '0 or 1 for a jet that has been tagged as containing a heavy quark', 'BTagAlgo': '0 or 1 for a jet that has been tagged as containing a heavy quark', 'BTagPhys': '0 or 1 for a jet that has been tagged as containing a heavy quark', 'Beta': '(sum pt of charged pile-up constituents)/(sum pt of charged constituents)', 'BetaStar': '(sum pt of charged constituents coming from hard interaction)/(sum pt of charged constituents)', 'Charge': 'charge', 'Constituents': 'references to constituents', 'CrossSection': 'cross-section in [pb]', 'CrossSectionError': 'cross-section error [pb]', 'CtgTheta': 'cotangent of theta', 'D0': 'transverse impact parameter', 'D1': 'particle first child', 'D2': 'particle last child', 'DZ': 'longitudinal impact parameter', 'E': 'energy [GeV]', 'ET': 'transverse energy [GeV]', 'Edges[2]': 'pseudorapidity range edges', 'Edges[4]': 'calorimeter tower edges', 'Eem': 'calorimeter tower electromagnetic energy', 'Ehad': 'calorimeter tower hadronic energy', 'EhadOverEem': 'ratio of the hadronic versus electromagnetic energy deposited in the calorimeter', 'ErrorCtgTheta': 'cotangent of theta error', 'ErrorD0': 'transverse impact parameter error', 'ErrorDZ': 'longitudinal impact parameter error', 'ErrorP': 'momentum error [GeV]', 'ErrorPT': 'transverse momentum error [GeV]', 'ErrorPhi': 'azimuthal angle error', 'ErrorT': 'vertex position error (t component)', 'ErrorX': 'vertex position error (x component)', 'ErrorY': 'vertex position error (y component)', 'ErrorZ': 'vertex position error (z component)', 'Eta': 'pseudorapidity', 'EtaOuter': 'pseudorapidity at the edge', 'Flavor': 'jet flavor', 'FlavorAlgo': 'jet flavor', 'FlavorPhys': 'jet flavor', 'FracPt[5]': '(sum pt of constituents within a ring 0.1*i < DeltaR < 0.1*(i+1))/(sum pt of constituents)', 'GenDeltaZ': 'distance in z to closest generated vertex', 'GenSumPT2': 'sum pt^2 of gen tracks attached to the vertex', 'HT': 'scalar sum of transverse momenta [GeV]', 'ID': 'ID', 'ID1': 'flavour code of first parton', 'ID2': 'flavour code of second parton', 'Index': 'index', 'IsPU': '0 or 1 for particles from pile-up interactions', 'IsolationVar': 'isolation variable', 'IsolationVarRhoCorr': 'isolation variable', 'L': 'path length', 'M1': 'particle first parent', 'M2': 'particle second parent', 'MET': 'missing transverse energy', 'MPI': 'number of multi parton interactions', 'Mass': 'invariant mass [GeV]', 'MeanSqDeltaR': 'average distance (squared) between constituent and particle weighted by pt (squared) of constituent', 'NCharged': 'number of charged constituents', 'NDF': 'number of degrees of freedom', 'NNeutrals': 'number of neutral constituents', 'NSubJetsPruned': 'number of subjets pruned', 'NSubJetsSoftDropped': 'number of subjets soft-dropped', 'NSubJetsTrimmed': 'number of subjets trimmed', 'NTimeHits': 'number of hits contributing to time measurement', 'Number': 'event number', 'P': 'momentum [GeV]', 'PDF1': 'PDF (id1, x1, Q)', 'PDF2': 'PDF (id2, x2, Q)', 'PID': 'HEP ID number', 'PT': 'transverse momentum [GeV]', 'PTD': 'average pt between constituent and jet weighted by pt of constituent', 'Particle': 'reference to generated particle', 'Particles': 'references to generated particles', 'Phi': 'azimuthal angle', 'PhiOuter': 'azimuthal angle at the edge', 'ProcTime': 'processing time', 'ProcessID': 'subprocess code for the event or signal process id', 'PrunedP4[5]': 'first entry (i = 0) is the total Pruned Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the pruned subjets 4-momenta', 'Px': 'particle momentum vector (x component)', 'Py': 'particle momentum vector (y component)', 'Pz': 'particle momentum vector (z component)', 'Rapidity': 'particle rapidity', 'ReadTime': 'read time', 'Rho': 'rho energy density', 'S': 'distance to the interaction point [m]', 'Scale': 'energy scale, see hep-ph/0109068', 'ScalePDF': "Q-scale used in evaluation of PDF's [GeV]", 'Sigma': 'vertex position (z component) error', 'SoftDroppedP4[5]': 'first entry (i = 0) is the total SoftDropped Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the pruned subjets 4-momenta', 'SoftDroppedSubJet1': 'leading soft-dropped subjet', 'SoftDroppedSubJet2': 'subleading soft-dropped subjet', 'Status': 'particle status', 'SumPT2': 'sum pt^2 of tracks attached to the vertex', 'SumPt': 'isolation variable', 'SumPtCharged': 'isolation variable', 'SumPtChargedPU': 'isolation variable', 'SumPtNeutral': 'isolation variable', 'TOuter': 'time position (t component) at the edge', 'TauTag': '0 or 1 for a particle that has been tagged as a tau', 'Tau[5]': 'N-subjettiness', 'Trigger': 'trigger word', 'TrimmedP4[5]': 'first entry (i = 0) is the total Trimmed Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the trimmed subjets 4-momenta', 'Tx': 'angle of the momentum in the horizontal (x,z) plane [urad]', 'Ty': 'angle of the momentum in the verical (y,z) plane [urad]', 'VertexIndex': 'reference to vertex', 'Weight': 'weight for the event', 'X1': 'fraction of beam momentum carried by first parton ("beam side")', 'X2': 'fraction of beam momentum carried by second parton ("target side")', 'XOuter': 'position (x component) at the edge', 'Xd': 'X coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex', 'YOuter': 'position (y component) at the edge', 'Yd': 'Y coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex', 'ZOuter': 'position (z component) at the edge', 'Zd': 'Z coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex'}
- mixins = {'CaloJet02': 'Jet', 'CaloJet04': 'Jet', 'CaloJet08': 'Jet', 'CaloJet15': 'Jet', 'EFlowNeutralHadron': 'Tower', 'EFlowPhoton': 'Photon', 'EFlowTrack': 'Track', 'Electron': 'Electron', 'Event': 'Event', 'EventLHEF': 'EventLHEF', 'GenJet': 'Jet', 'GenJet02': 'Jet', 'GenJet04': 'Jet', 'GenJet08': 'Jet', 'GenJet15': 'Jet', 'GenMissingET': 'MissingET', 'HepMCEvent': 'HepMCEvent', 'Jet': 'Jet', 'LHCOEvent': 'LHCOEvent', 'MissingET': 'MissingET', 'Muon': 'Muon', 'Particle': 'Particle', 'ParticleFlowJet02': 'Jet', 'ParticleFlowJet04': 'Jet', 'ParticleFlowJet08': 'Jet', 'ParticleFlowJet15': 'Jet', 'Photon': 'Photon', 'Rho': 'Rho', 'ScalarHT': 'ScalarHT', 'Tower': 'Tower', 'Track': 'Track', 'TrackJet02': 'Jet', 'TrackJet04': 'Jet', 'TrackJet08': 'Jet', 'TrackJet15': 'Jet', 'Weight': 'Weight', 'WeightLHEF': 'WeightLHEF'}
- singletons = ['Event', 'EventLHEF', 'HepMCEvent', 'LHCOEvent', 'Rho', 'ScalarHT', 'MissingET']
- warn_missing_crossrefs = True
Methods Documentation